Joyful Gifting – Concept

Gifting is an expression of HAPPINESS IN RELATIONSHIP. From time immemorialon any important occasion in life or festivals we have beenGifting which brings HAPPINESS to both the gifter and the receiver of gift. This is my definition of joyful gifting.

Initially GIFTING was TO SELF the family and friends,
Now our GIFTING includes not so lucky people.

Gifter is one who has been lucky to be blessed by divine to have knowledge, time and money and who takes a step forward in SHARING AND CARING.

Gifting of Knowledge. Knowledge is only wealth which one has to gift in this lifetime.

Gifting of time. Time is another wealth each one is given 24 hours a day. It is for us to priorotize our time where our return may be measured in money or happiness. Serving others is said to be the best happiness SEWA IS DHARMA.

Gifting of money .We are all attached to our wealth for varied reason and the most seen gifting is gifting of money.

All above acts are acts of JOYFUL GIFTING.

When a child’s birthday is celebrated practice of return gift started so it became exchange of Gifts.

According to me Small gestures make a big difference. One feels JOYFUL GIFTING with heart and mind to be in bliss.

GIVING a word that has such frequent and varied use can also be ambiguous. Take the sentence “She gave me the book.” Without getting more information, we don’t know if the book was a gift or if she simply handed it to the speaker. But in “She gifted me the book” the meaning is instantly clear: the book was a gift.

Best Buy said they are looking for the gentleman in hopes to connect with him and gift him some items he wasn’t able to buy that night.
— Elenee Dao, KXLY, 6 Dec. 2019

By Venkat, Pencilman of UAE / Founder of Joyful Gifting

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